Live Off-Premise Office Assistant

You want to grow your business, so you need your phones answered.

If you hire an office receptionist, you have to pay not only a salary, but insurance, benefits, and taxes. Not to mention office furniture, office space and office equipment. You pay out all that and the assistant still only works 40 hours a week. Then there are the AM and PM breaks, lunch, sick days, and vacation days that take that receptionist away from the office and the phones.  A better solution would be to hire a live, off-premise office assistant!

Pay less and get much more!

Live Off Premise Receptionist

Off Premise Receptionist

When Call Center Plus becomes your live, off-premise receptionist answering service, you will be paying much, much less per month for 24 hour services than you would pay a 40 hour employee with all those added costs! Our service will provide you with the peace of mind in knowing that all of your calls will be answered and handled promptly and in a professional manner 24/7/365. We will answer in your answer phrase making the customer service experience seamless. You will be free to do what you do best … serve your clients and work your business.

What we can do for you. 

Depending on your needs, we will do the following for you:

Answer your calls 24/7/365. Literally! We are here all the time, no matter what!

Take a simple message to let you know you missed the call and send it via SMS text message, email, or both.

Leave you a voicemail with vital info.

Transfer the call directly to you or any of your employees/techs so you can have direct access to the caller, no matter where you are.

Shield you from telemarketers!

Save you money. We don’t ask for breaks, vacation days, time off with sick kids, or raises!

Call or email us today!

Learn more about how we can help you solve your receptionist problem!

  • Phone: 800 670 6198
  • Email:

Call Center Plus … your complete customer service call center.